Happy Birthday, Paul Rodgers
Here's to 75 years of one of the greatest rock voices of all time.
Yes, Paul Rodgers was the voice of Free and Bad Company, but he also fronted The Firm, The Law, and had quite a few brilliant moments as a solo artist. Unfortunately, his magnificent 1993 tribute to Muddy Waters, Muddy Water Blues, is currently out of print (but you can find it on YouTube). Curiously, The ‘Original’ Bad Company Anthology is also unavailable on streaming services. A pity, because the 1999 collection celebrated Rodgers reuniting with the original lineup for the first time since 1982. They recorded three new songs for the project, “Hey Hey,” “Tracking Down A Runaway,” and “Hammer of Love.”
For his 75th birthday, here’s a few of my favorite Paul Rodgers moments (that are available on streaming services).
Free is my jam.
I had a girlfriend in high school whose favorite song was 'Seagull.' She played it constantly, and every time I hear the song I think of her with fond memories.