Thanks so much for your further in depth interview with Bonnie. Pleasurable and, as always, informative start to finish and from it, via Spotify, I am now listening to Glenn Pastcha's Songs from the Jefferson Highway, an eclectic and quite interesting work I would never have unearthed without this time spent with Bonnie. Just in case you are interested and haven't traveled there yet, https://open.spotify.com/album/5BHoUIZesYdge2mCNWq2fp?si=vN4zx5niRWGnd4BeIQh_rQ Thanks again!

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Thanks! I’ll check it out.

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Great interview. Love to read pieces where you can "see" the conversation and connection taking place, and this interview is one of those. I especially appreciated the conversation about her parents, particularly her mom.

"Just Like That," the song and the album, deserved/deserves all the kudos it has received.

I was particularly happy to the mention of Charles Brown. Not sure if you've seen the piece I did on him a couple of years ago, but my one in-person encounter with Raitt is mentioned in it. https://open.substack.com/pub/glenncook/p/the-legacy-of-charles-brown?r=727x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

And finally, thanks for the push over to the ND site to read about the Kevn Kinney tribute. I've been talking about the first one since it came out, and am anxious to dig into more.

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What a fantastic piece on Brown. I've always been a fan of his, from "Drifting Blues" on. Fascinating quote from BB about how he was jealous that Brown went to college, but still stuck with music when he had "so many more options." There's a lot to unpack there.

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Thank you, and no question. So much to unpack and, while I can speculate, I wish I had pushed more into it. The quote from King came from an interview I did with him in 1991. It was a good conversation that I also think you'll find interesting — https://open.substack.com/pub/glenncook/p/conversations-bb-king?r=727x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Fantastic. And it’s really important that BB set the record straight about Elvis. I never got to interview BB, but I did shake his hand backstage and got to tell him how much his music - and Lucille - meant to me.

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