Thanks for sharing. The Cure and MJ are definitely much higher on my list. 😊

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Thanks for the playlist!

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Like I needed another rabbit hole 😎, thanks! Some tough entries to crack that list, give a listen to Mohini Dey if you get the chance. Her album of the same name is pretty amazing. Now off to listen through your list and check my vinyl allowance!

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Thanks - I'll check out Mohini Dey!

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Some great picks on here Michael! Some artists that I’m not really into along with a bunch of new ones for me that I enjoyed - a little too late for them to find their way onto my AOTY list but a lot of fun musical investigation ahead. Hurray For The Riff Raff, Rosali, The Cure and Bonny Light Horseman all made my top 40 this year.

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I am loving this playlist! And thank you for this year end round up; a lot of great new discoveries here for me.

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My ears are going to get their christmas present early with this wonderful and diverse array of artists I look forward to examine in depth. Cowboy Carter was a monster of a release and I must admit I have never embraced Beyonce (not physically either) and this was a more than pleasant 'awakening'. BTW not sure if you are a fan but a new Randall Bramblett album has hit the airwaves and I was wondering if you had a chance to take it in yet. Now time to go treat my ears to the treat-the nell with next week's column for a day or so...

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two lane highway, for goodness sake🙃

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Ha! I gotcha. Tulane was Chuck Berry!

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I have not had the opportunity to check out the new Bramlett yet, but I definitely will. Same with the new Pure Prairie League. So much to listen to, so little time!

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It sure is amazing that something is coming out from pure Prairie league Tulane highway is one of my all-time favorite country rock songs and they’re still guitar player with the heart and soul of that group. I felt so I’m gonna listen to that this afternoon. Have a great weekend and thanks again.

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Nice to see both Kim Richey and Shelby Lynn on your list, two artists whose early albums were very important to me. Also Bonny Light Horseman, one of my current favorites. I’m off to download Kim and Shelby.

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